Jurisprudence - Meaning and Definition

 The Concept of Jurisprudence

Simply saying, Jurisprudence is the soul of the law. As there is no existence of a human being without a soul, similarly law also can’t exist without the concept of jurisprudence. The word jurisprudence is derived from the old Latin maxim ‘Jurisprudentia’ in which ‘juris’ means law and ‘prudentia’ means knowledge or skill of law.  As a whole, jurisprudence is the skill or knowledge of the law. Since jurisprudence is a very important element of the existence of law, it is also known as the science of law, philosophy of law, root of law, ground of law, the eye of the law, and the heart of the law, theory of law, etc.

Jurisprudence involves the study of general theoretical questions about the nature of law and legal systems and the relation of law with justice and morality. It is concerned with the regulation of human conduct in accordance with the set values, needs, and character as a science of law. It is the study of the theories and principles on which a legal system is founded. It also studies about the origin of law, the law-making process, general principles, and the nature of law.

Sir Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) is considered the father of jurisprudence. He says the law is an assemblage of sin declarative of violation conceived or adopted by the sovereign in a state concerning the conduct to be observed in a certain case by a certain person who in case, in question are or supposed to be subject to his power.

There is no fixed, precise and universally accepted definition of Jurisprudence. Some definition given by some famous jurists are as follows:

According to Austin, “Jurisprudence is the philosophy of positive law.”

Austin divides jurisprudence into two classes:

·       General Jurisprudence- Philosophy of positive law.

·       Particular Jurisprudence- Science of any such system of positive law.

According to Salmond, “Jurisprudence is the science of the first principle of law.”

According to Cicero, “Jurisprudence is the philosophical aspect of law.”

According to Holland, “Jurisprudence is the formal science of positive law.”

According to Allen, “Jurisprudence is the scientific synthesis of the essential principle of law.”

According to Clark, “Jurisprudence is the law of justice in general.”

According to Keeton, “Jurisprudence is the study and systematic arrangement of the general principles of law.”


Importance of Jurisprudence

There is a great importance of jurisprudence in the field of law and legal field. No matter how it is defined, it directly studies the various social sciences related to the study of law and draws conclusions about the law. Here is some importance of jurisprudence:

·       Jurisprudence makes the analytical study of law.

·       Since every activity of human life is related to law, jurisprudence studies various aspects of law, so it is important for the entire human community.

·       The study of jurisprudence also helps uncomplicated some of the concepts and complexities of the legal words.

·       Jurisprudence has an important place from the point of view of social and legal justice as the administration of justice is conducted by the use of the civil side.

·       It is important for the establishment of a modern public welfare state as it analyzes, develops, and studies law.

                   Jurisprudence is the science of studying law, we can conclude. All legal theories rely on jurisprudence, and they cannot exist without it. Therefore, jurisprudence is referred to be the origin of law. The most crucial topic for understanding law is jurisprudence.

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